Monday, September 30, 2019

Uniting the People and Government

By the end of World War II, the nations of Western Europe all faced the burdens of the post-war economies. If not totally destroyed, a nation was in chaos and needed dramatic reconstruction. This is where democratic societies stepped in; recreation of sturdy government was crucial to the revival of Western European countries. Within just a few years after the defeat of Italy and Germany, the European hemisphere bounced back into a stronger, more efficient society than ever before. Some call this the â€Å"Golden Age of the European economy. † As human life became more and more complex and difficult to manage, the government had to accommodate to the citizen†s needs and wants. Because of the basic importance of the contemporary social structure, its management had a crucial importance in making the countries work. Europe was used to strict authority over its people and complexity in the way they handles a countries affairs was not accepted. â€Å"Europe was a very special situation though, because it has a long record of traditional social control imposed over the individual by collective authorities, especially the state, and hierarchal religious institutions. Another problem that was going on in modern Western Europe† (pg. 21, Crozier) the military grew in size a great deal, West European armed forces grew from forty-two thousand to almost eighty thousand within five years after the Second World War. Especially in the country of France. With the militant group emerging larger than ever, the government was working! with more citizens first hand, by supporting the working military group. One of the main pieces to making a modern democracy work was inducing the people to want to partake in the government and have them strive to get involved with the mending of the societal crisis. All post war European countries had to live through the same costly situation of having to restore their country†s trade, government, social harmony, be at peace with the government, and relinquish all other aspects of damages caused by the intolerances that came along with traditional thinking. In the United States, the country was working by the people, for the people, in all efforts to be a united, strong country. Automatic freedoms of speech, press, and religion, gave the people the reassurance that things were being done to assist them in everyday life. Sixty five million dollars alone went into healthcare, unemployment, social services, community programs, and better education for children, and progra! ms for the working class. Also, anyone who was educated had a chance to run for various forms of government positions, which meant the citizens could first hand, come out and take part in the government. Some positions include senators, mayors, councilmen, governors, seats in congress and House of Representatives. Where else but America could you find opportunities such as these? Divisions once created by war and intolerance led to the modern developing of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). This was a form of military unity, which was important to Western Europe after 1945. It helped heal wounds with competing countries in the trade world, and have peace between once warring countries. Many other European peace treaties were signed during the 60†³s and 70†³s. These primarily helped the democratic people altogether because peace smoothed over tense conditions for European citizens. These treaties include the European Coal and Steel Community and the EEC or common! market. In the 1980†³s, a treaty on the European Union, integrated even more countries for a peaceful trade system. After signed in the small country of the Netherlands, an attempt to create a true economic and monetary union of all EC (EEC) members. One of the most interesting facts, coming into play in ever most recent times, is that a goal of the EC was to introduce an absolute worldwide common currency that could be found almost everywhere, called the â€Å"Euro†, dated to be out 2002. Even now in present days, the Euro dollar is heard of as an idea that some forms of government want to pursue. The fact is, democracy does not work without the people playing a crucial role in government. If your government is constantly telling you exactly how to live your life, what you must believe in, cheating you out your dollar, and totally undermining the working class, you are going to see no progress in that society. Basically, with Western Europe having the least amount of acceptance of variety and having little tolerance for true societal freedom, a great democracy cannot exist. This is why the United States has grown to be the most powerful and well off country of all times. The creators of our ever-evolving democracy here in America just goes to show, that caring about the people who make up our â€Å"democracy† gives them the strength and will to work together to make anything work and to truly peruse happiness. Thank God for America!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Information Technology for Pims Pumps Essay

Analysis section 1 – Background/to identification of problem Pims Pumps are an industrial pumping company which are involved in the distribution, installation and maintenance of industrial pumping units. The company has a large fleet of vans and many specialised tools and lots of equipment. Currently all of the equipment is logged in and out of the workshop and vans and this information is stored on paper. Analysis section 2 – identification of the prospective user(s) The prospective users are the managers of the business all of whom are computer literate and are already using a computer system for other aspects of the business. The company have a small network of computers installed and all involved are competent in opening and using Microsoft access 2000 Analysis section 3 – identification of user needs and acceptable limitations The system needs to be able to store large amounts of data about the whereabouts of equipment, it must be able to search through the data for any specified criteria, it must be able to be edited, it must be secure and user friendly. Interview Example documents from user Observation The proposed system can only be tested to a certain extent on being able to store large amounts of data Analysis section 4 – realistic appraisal of the feasibility of potential solutions. Analysis section 5 – justification of chosen solution I have chosen to use this system because Analysis section 6 – description of current system & data sources and destinations The current system involves the user logging in and out equipment to vans and back into the warehouse. The user must enter his/her name, the date and time, the registration of the vehicle they are taking it to, the name of the piece of equipment and the serial number of the piece of equipment. At the end of each week the logbook except for the most recent page is taken to the admin office and stored in a filing cabinet in date order. When a piece of equipment is missing, needed of has been damaged the user can then refer back to the log book to find out who if anyone still has the piece of equipment and who else has used it recently. This can be very time consuming, as the user has to visually scan through the logbooks until he comes to the entry, which could be anything up to 15 pages. This could easily result in human error and is a big waste of time Analysis section 8 – data flow diagram of current system At current there is no flow of data as the information is simply logged and referred to if needed in the future. Analysis section 7 – objectives of the project Input tasks (Data entry / Modification / View) The system will provide a user-friendly simple interface with the initial user allowing them to enter the same information as they usually do just on a keyboard. This should avoid all complications. The user interface for the initial user will be very secure to try and prevent accidental damage to the system however the management features will be able to be accessed by the management team through a password. There will be a user guide and a trouble shooting section to try and solve any potential problems. The system will be presented in form view with a main menu and various forms for different functions Output tasks (Reports) The system will be able to produce a report showing the location of any piece of equipment, or all the equipment one member of staff has recently used or all the equipment currently in a particular van. The system must be able to search through all the records for any criteria and produce a report for each one Processing tasks The system must be able to process the information and sort it into any order that the user wishes. Quantitative performance considerations The system is going to be run over a long period of time and so will need to be able to store a very large amount of data. This s one thing I will not be able to test to its full extent however I can estimate through hardware performance whether the system is adequate or not. Qualitative evaluation criteria Data security of the new system The system will have security passwords and all obvious features that would allow the user to enter restricted areas of the system would be disabled. The system will prompt the user to save changes or automatically save changes on exit anyway. Analysis section 9 – Data flow diagram of new system Analysis section 10 – E-R Model Project stage 2 : design Design section 1 – Overall system design The system will involve a series of tables, queries, reports and forms all linked together to provide a user-friendly system capable of all of the system requirements. I will have tables for vans, equipment, warehouse and users and will link these together and display them on one form. There will be a menu form giving the user options and security passwords for management to access and edit existing data or to view existing data. All of the data entry will be validated and the tables will be set to certain data types to try and ensure the user is entering the correct information. There will be four main tables related to bookings, employees, equipment and vehicles. There will also be four forms based upon these tables and then a main menu form for easy navigation of my database system Design section 2 – Description of modular structure of system The system will be based around 4 main tables. These are TblEmployees, which contains information about the employees that work at the company. TblEquipment, which lists equipment, details about it, its current location and a list of who has recently used it. TblVehicles will contain a list of all of the vans that Pims Pumps use and contain a list of all the equipment that is currently in each van. TblBookings will record all the bookings in an out that a piece of equipment makes and records the equipment and employee ID numbers. These tables will all be linked together in an entity relationship diagram. Design section 3 – Definition of data requirements The database will have to store relevant information about the employees using the booking system information about the company’s vehicles and equipment information. The fields I will store in my equipment table are as follows: 1. Equipment ID – A unique number assigned to each piece of equipment. 2. Description – a brief description of the piece of equipment 3. Service interval – The next date when the piece of equipment is due to be serviced The fields I will store in my employee table are as follows: 1. Employee name – full name of the employee 2. Employee ID – a unique number assigned to each employee The fields I will store in my vehicles table are as follows: 1. Registration – The registration number of my vehicle 2. Vehicle ID – A unique number assigned to each vehicle I will also have a bookings table, which will store the employee and equipment ID for each booking of equipment, and the date on which the booking was made. This will enable me to run a query to find out for example what equipment any employee has used or what equipment is currently in a certain van etc. Design section 4 – Identification of storage requirements and media Development hardware I can design my system on any hardware running Microsoft Windows 95 or later and that is capable of running Microsoft Access at speed. I do not require any additional specific hardware for designing my database. End-user hardware The end user already has hardware capable of running my database and all the staff are familiar with Microsoft based programs. Development software I will design the database in Microsoft Access as this is very flexible and powerful enough to undertake all or the required tasks End-user software The end user will also have to use Microsoft Access as that is the only program that my database will run on I will design the database to be user friendly and limit access to all of its functions to try and prevent accidental damage to the system. Design section 5 – Identification of suitable algorithms for data transformation Queries Macros Visual basic code Design section 6 – identification of any validation required I have several input masks throughout my tables however no validations are needed. The input masks that ii have used are simply in place to ensure that the user is entering the correct information or at least information that is in the correct format. Design section 7 – overall user interface design Here is a plan of the layout of my main menu; Design section 8 – Sample of planned data capture and entry (e.g. forms Design section 9 – sample of planned data validation Design section 8 – Description of record/database structure & normalisation Normalisation Tables design Design section 11 – Sample of planned valid output (e.g. reports) I will produce reports based on queries related to different things however the format will remain the same. Below is an example of what a report would look like if the user queried for what equipment an employee has recently used: Design section 12 – Database design including relations, foreign keys, and primary keys. Entity-relationship diagram List and describe all relations separately 1. There is a one to many relationship from Equipment ID in the Equipment table to Equipment ID in the booking table. This enables there to be many pieces of equipment logged in the bookings table. 2. There is a one to many relationship from Employee ID in the Employee’s table to Employee ID in the Bookings table. This enables there to be many employees listed in the bookings table of that one employee can have many bookings. Indicate all primary and foreign keys for each table TblEquipment’s primary key is Equipment ID and it contains no foreign keys TblBooking’s primary key is Booking ID and it contains Equipment ID and Employee ID as foreign keys TblVehicle’s primary key is Vehicle ID and it contains no foreign keys TblEmployee’s primary key is Employee ID and it contains no foreign keys Design section 13 – Planned measures for security and integrity of data Design section 14 – Planned measures for systems security Design section 15 – Overall test strategy Project stage 3 : Technical solution Project stage 4 : System testing Test section 1- Design of test plan & strategy Test section 2 – Minimal test data Test section 3 – Expected results for typical test data Test section 4 – Erroneous data (Check forms reject invalid data) Test section 5 – Expected results for extreme data Check that data just within range is accepted and stored Check that calculations using extreme data works Test section 6 – Hard copy of representative samples of test runs Project stage 5 : Maintenance Maintenance section 1 – System overview Maintenance section 2 – Summary of features used Maintenance section 3 -Sample of detailed algorithm design using a recognised methodology Maintenance section 4 – Annotated listings of program code, macro code & tailoring Maintenance section 5 – Screenshots (Mainly from design view) Table screenshots Reports screenshots Query screenshots Macro’s screenshots Visual basic code Maintenance section 6 – List/description of package items developed Project stage 6 : User manual User manual – Brief introduction User manual – Samples of actual screen displays in situ User manual – Samples of error messages and/or error recovery procedures Project stage 7 : Appraisal Appraisal section 1 – Comparison of project performance against objectives Evaluation of end-user requirements Evaluation of the qualitative criteria

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Employee Resistance And Management Of Organizational Change Essay

Employee Resistance And Management Of Organizational Change - Essay Example In most circumstances, when managers attempt to implement changes within an organization, they often do so in the belief that the changes are going to be accepted without question. This is because of the belief that has emerged in the corporate world that managers are the ones who know what is best for an organization and that any resistance to their policies is equivalent to insubordination (Phillips 1983, p.183). This is not always true because, in most circumstances, employees tend to resist only those changes that they deem to be against not only their interests but also of the organization as well. Therefore, when managers encounter change, most of them take a tough stance against those employees who are resisting and this essentially creates a stalemate within an organization because neither of the parties involved is willing to talk with the other concerning how to remedy the situation. A result of these circumstances is that even the most desired changes within an organizatio n cannot be implemented because management refuses to cater for the concerns raised by employees. The ability of employees to resist changes is often underestimated by managers and this leads to their choosing to take disciplinary action against those who offer resistance. While in some circumstances disciplinary action might work, there are others where such actions lead to the destruction of the relationship between management and employees as each of them chooses to disregard the opinion of the other.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Lady with the Pet Dog Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Lady with the Pet Dog - Essay Example The meetings between Anna and Gurov had initially started without any inkling of love, but their feelings were soon transformed into infatuation and finally into passionate love which brought the two different personalities together. They way Chekov has developed the character of Dmitri is indeed commendable. At the start of the novel he is portrayed as a typical detestable male chauvinist but by the end of the story, he is greatly changed by love and the readers start to feel for him. It is the power of love which forces Gurov to be dissatisfied by his life and routine. The love compels a married woman to have an affair out of her marriage. However accompanying love is the guilt that is pinching the conscience of both the characters. Despite being in love with Gurov, Anna feels happy and relieved to return back to his husband. The separation however does not last for long. Driven madly by the desire to meet Anna, Gurov leaves his city to find her so that he could confess his love fo r her. Even though Anna knows she is married, she yearns to break away from his husband and return to the love of her life. Love strengthens her conviction to meet Gurov and at the end of the story she sets out a plan to go away from her husband to meet him. To make the theme so vivid and so interesting, setting of the story plays an important role. The most essential element of the story is its dual setting. The dual setting plays an important role in shaping up the story. Yalta has been depicted as a state which is famous for its ‘stories of immorality’. Gurov is tempted by the beauty of the city to find a partner to spend time with. Then the city itself creates an atmosphere of romance by its ‘heat’, ‘the chirrup of the grasshoppers’ and the ‘smell of the sea’. The atmosphere has a direct effect on Gurov and Anna by setting a romantic mood for them. The setting is comparable to the moods of the lovers. Both the characters are su rrounded by the beauty and serenity of the city which brings them very close to each other. After Anna departs, it starts to get ‘cold’ symbolizing the onset of autumn in the city as well as in the life of Gurov. Then we see the city of Moscow, where Gurov returned. Moscow has been shown as a busy city with everything in perfect routine. The mornings are ‘dark’ which compliments Gurov’s mood. He feels gloomy and disgruntled by his life and yearns to meet Anna again. Chekhov has indeed remarkably created the setting of the story to match the mood of its characters. The Author Antonio Chekhov has written a number of short stories, all of which have been very popular among the readers. I find this story very interesting and appealing. They way Chekhov has narrated the story and the shown the connection between the two major characters is truly remarkable. The story proceeds smoothly without any glitches with the same theme of love circulating around the characters which maintains the readers’ attention. The literary devices and symbolism used in the story further increases the curiosity of the readers. This could very well be seen by the ‘silence’ of Anna which she maintains after most of the questions asked by Gurov. Moreover the author has connected the element of uncertainty and reluctance with every major character. Gurov is uncertain about continuing his relationship with Anna, Anna’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Purposes of Criminal Sentencing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Purposes of Criminal Sentencing - Essay Example Moral philosophers take into consideration the goals of punishment, the values promoted, and its purpose (Purpose of, 2004). While sociologists are concerned with â€Å"what punishment is actually intended for, and the nature of penal systems† (Hudson, 1996, as cited in Purpose of, 2004, p. 105), criminologists concentrate on the penalties for offenses and the policy measures pertinent to the punishment (Purpose of, 2004). Previous penal theories leaned more on retribution that put the moral blame on the offender without regard to future reformation of conduct of the offender (Hudson 1996, as cited in Purpose of, 2004). While punishment may be to prevent crime to some and to punish for others (Hudson, 1963, as cited in Purpose of, 2004), the court balances these factors in imposing a punishment (Purpose of, 2004). ... Although the present system in the US has shifted to reformation of the convict, the justification for sanction based on vengeance still remains (Barnes, 1999). The incarcerated convict can also be deterred from the commission of the same act or any other crime if rehabilitated or incapacitated (Barnes, 1999). The two primary theories that dominate criminal punishment are utilitarianism and retribution (Purpose of, 2004). Utilitarianism expounds that laws should provide maximum happiness for society, and since crime and punishment are not consistent with happiness, they should be placed at the minimum level (Punishment, 2011). Thus, under this theory, the infliction of punishment is only that which can prevent commission of crimes in the future (Punishment, 2011). The traditional model in criminal theory is that of deterrence, which is considered a sub-category (Barnes, 1999) or a derivative (Purpose of, 2004) of the utilitarian theory. According to the utilitarian view, punishment i s justifiable if it promotes the interest of society, and maintains social order (Rawls, 1955, as cited in Barnes, 1999). The concept of deterrence posits that apprehension and punishment of a criminal informs society that an act is punishable, and thus deters members of society from committing it (Barnes, 1999). General deterrence focuses on the total criminal behavior, as opposed to specific deterrence which targets individual criminals (Barnes, 1999). As a general deterrent, there must be an existing crime and punishment in order to deter others from committing the same (Barnes, 1999). This follows the view that a threat of being punished would deter individuals

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Analysis of the global challenges and economic situation in Argentina Essay

Analysis of the global challenges and economic situation in Argentina - Essay Example Inflation As the economic activity in Argentina has expanded in 2010, there was a sudden increase in money supply which has resulted in increasing the consumer prices. According to the Central Bank of Argentina, the YoY increase in money supply during Feb 2011 increased by nearly 27.8%. This resulted in increased inflation figures for Argentina. As a result, the exporters of the country, mainly in the manufacturing sector are losing their competitive position in the market, driven by increase in domestic costs and relative stability in the exchange rates (Ken 2011). â€Å"Beyond entrenched high inflation, the erosion of external competitiveness during 2010-2011 is another thorny issue the next administration will have to face, which, if not properly handled, could end up generating a crash- rather than soft-landing of the economy in 2012† - Alberto Ramos, Economist, Goldman Sachs, Mar 2011. As a result, Argentina’s middle class suffered most due to high inflation, there by affecting mobile phones, cable, petrol, health insurance premiums etc. in the month of Jan 2011 According to Argentina’s national statistics agency Indec, the country’s annual inflation in was 10% by the end of Feb 2011 and 10.6% by Jan 2011. Inflation was mainly supported by increase in prices of tourism services, clothing and increase in prices of food and beverages. Also, according to EIU, the inflation was supported by the government’s intervention in the agricultural sector which has resulted in the reduced production of important foodstuffs such as beef. Many local consulting companies in Argentina differ on these official inflation figures are they estimated the country’s inflation... This paper provides a thorough analysis of the recent economic developments in Argentina. The essay aims to analyse the current economic environment in Argentina, including GDP, Inflation, Industrial Production Index, agriculture, the country’s debt situation, foreign exchange rate, unemployment, Consumer ABS, Central Government revenue and expenditures. Argentina’s GDP grew by 9.2% year-on-year through the quarter ended Dec 2010. The economy’s strong performance was driven by domestic demand, with private consumption rising 11.5% year on year, up from 8.9% in the previous quarter. As the economic activity in Argentina has expanded in 2010, there was a sudden increase in money supply which has resulted in increasing the consumer prices. According to the Central Bank of Argentina, the YoY increase in money supply during Feb 2011 increased by nearly 27.8%. The country aims to impose trade barriers due to high imports. In 2010, Argentina reported 46% rise in its imports, to reach $56.4 billion. This was mainly due to heavy imports of intermediate goods used by automobile industry and capital goods industry. Argentina has stepped up trade barriers in terms of import duties or the range of products. The government should remove growth obstacles by reducing import and export tariffs and moderating its stringent price control measures. This would result in increasing the trade activity with other countries. It would also result in increasing the investors’ confidence which would result in increased FDI and FII in the country

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Marketing H.W Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing H.W - Essay Example The production department relies on consumer preferences when producing goods. Workers On the other hand, companies hire workers from the population. Labor plays an important role in production, processing, assembly and distribution. Furthermore, labor wage rates influence the location decision. The facility location has a significant impact on transport costs. When a facility is located far away from the market, the transport costs incurred when transporting goods to the market is high. When the facility is close to the market, the cost is reduced. It is for this reason that companies want to find the optimal location which will save transport cost. Companies thus consider the costs involved before making facility location decisions. Facility relocation involves moving a facility to a different location. Facility closing means that that facility stops being function completely. In the case of relocation, the company should be ready to cover the moving costs of workers who move to the new location, and plan for transport expenses for workers who wish to travel to the new facility every day. When a facility is closed, the human resource department should explain to workers the reasons behind and if possible hire some to other facility locations. In a supply chain, warehousing helps in distribution efficiency and marketing. Warehouses are included in the supply chain because they are used for receiving new inventory, storing inventory, packaging and shipping to customers. Modern warehousing has more roles other than stocking inventory especially economic and service benefits. These include offering value added services such as additional processing in addition to storage and delivery of products. The purpose of warehouses and distribution centers is to store goods before they are transported to the consumer. The emphasis is on maximizing the space available for storage. However, the emphasis of distribution centers is the fast movement of goods through the

Monday, September 23, 2019

E-Commerce and its impact on the Global Marketplace Essay

E-Commerce and its impact on the Global Marketplace - Essay Example The main impact of E-Commerce is the fact that the global marketplace never sleeps and working 24/7, 365 days a year. It functions across different time zones as well as geographic boundaries. The integration of synergies leads to an extraordinary improvement in efficiencies. The presence of better and improved software enables the companies to conduct business online in an automated fashion leading to better productivity. It opens up a better competitive arena even to smaller companies with lesser resources at their disposal. It symbolizes the usage of the complete potential of the Internet and using it to gain profitability. Inter-business transactions or business-to-business (B2B) or e-commerce between businesses usually between manufacturers and suppliers. The other is the transaction between businesses and consumers (B2C) or electronic retailing. B2B type of E-Commerce is more common because of the usage of computer technology to a large extent by businesses, B2C in the form of online retailing has picked up exponentially. The success story of Wal-Mart has been extensively discussed and analysed. Sam Walton's guiding principles of "everyday low prices " have made Wal-Mart the world's largest retailer. The availability of the product when the customer looks for it on the shelf has to be accomplished, at the lowest possible cost without high overheads Using E-Commerce Supply Chain to Support Low Prices and Increased Customer Satisfaction "At Wal-Mart, we don't implement technology for its own sake," says David Flanagin, Director of Network Engineering. "It has to have a payback that helps the customer."(Quoted from So when the Wal-Mart network that unifies more than 100,0000 employees in more than 2400 stores and 100 distribution centres was undertaken, the Cisco network was chosen after great deliberation. Unifying and coordinating retailers and suppliers were of paramount importance. The number is staggering considering there are thousands of products and hundreds of suppliers and these are shipped to myriad destinations in the actual seasonal periods when they are sold. Wal-Mart ventured into EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) in 1980 and used it to transmit data to its suppliers. By 1990 Wal-Mart had its own application called "Retail Linka" and suppliers used modems to dial into the network for sales and inventory data. This enabled better forecasting and planning, producing and shipping. With the growing E-Commerce scenario, Wal-Mart utilized the power of the Internet and using the Cisco network, Wal-Mart updated and reorganized the "Retail Linka" to a greater level of competence and usability. Logins are password protected and each supplier has a level to which he is able to access the information. "We

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Gold Rush Effects on Gender Essay Example for Free

Gold Rush Effects on Gender Essay l These are the famous last words of men who had ventured into California to partake in the Gold Rush, only to realize a yearning to see their family. Many men underwent the hardships and the sacrifices in order to strike rich in this gamble, many men succeeded while many more failed. Often forgotten are the families that remained back home while the husband, father, or brother went west to strike gold. The families that endured sacrificed Just as much and ached for their safe return home. Commandments were created in order eassure both the miner and his wife while he undertook the expedition west. These commandments laid down a set of rules that should be followed in order to live a functioning and overall moral life while separated and in unknown environments. The Miners Ten Commandments focuses heavily on how miners should treat each other, how duties should be performed, and how to deal with the anxiety of being separated from ones family. However, The Wifes Commandments focuses primarily on how the husband should act and lists a strict set of rules he should follow in order to remain in good standing with the wife. It is extremely interesting to see how the commandments compare depending on the gender. The Wifes Commandments was first published on March 27th, 1849, in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, a newspaper. The article is filled with rules that strictly dictate the miners life. Some of them are so strict that they seem silly by demanding a grown man to abide by them. The twelfth commandment is Thou shalt not stay out later than nine oclock at night. 2 The author or authors of this work are almost being satirical by listing bed times for these men. The intended audience of this work is lmost certainly women back in the east who have husbands who were contemplating Journeying west in search of gold. The article is also worded very plain and is straight to the point. These commandments would be very reassuring, giving comfort that their husband would remain well and faithful. The Miners Ten Commandments is structured differently; having the focus of the piece on how to conduct work and not listing demands for the wife back at home. James M. Hutchings published The Miners Ten Commandments in 1853 in the Placerville Herald newspaper. Hutchings was actually born in England but moved to United States in 1848. He partook in the Gold Rush of 1849 and succeeded, becoming a wealthy miner. His commandments were so popular that he was able to publish his own magazine, Hutchings California Magazine, with the profits. However, Hutchings commandments that paint a picture of the gold rush and the community created as very principled, goal focused, and problem free. Hutchings was a chief promoter at Yosemite National Park so his work could be bias, trying to persuade travelers to go to California in order to partake in the gold rush. Nevertheless, his commandments erve to keep the work being performed by the miners fair and honest and to act as a guide for new miners. The wording of his article is very formal and reminds the reader of the Ten Holy Commandments, perhaps as a way to paint a picture of a Calitornia tree ot sin. It also addresses their tamilies and now to comtort themselves when they miss home. If we can ignore the apparent biases of the times and take the reading for what is presented, we see a very peculiar way both set of commandments are created. The Miners Ten Commandments is heavily focused on the actual daily life associated ith mining, such as preparing rations for the week and possible conflicts among miners. 3 While The Wifes Commandments is almost entirely focused on the husbands actions in California related to cheating, gambling, and drinking. There is no mention of how the wife should conduct her life, a direct opposite to the Miners Commandments. It is obvious that there were different standards for men and women at the time of the Gold Rush. By comparing specific commandments, we can see the different intentions that were perceived by each group. In The Wifes Commandments, it states hat Though shalt not take into thy house and beautiful brazen image of a servant girl, to bow down to her, to serve her, for I am a Jealous wife. 5 This entry shows that the wife is extremely concerned about her husband being unfaithful during their time separated. This is understandable for the time; the temptation of prostitutes and brothels in the mining towns were a reality. However, when reading The Miners Ten Commandments it is apparent that the author did not feel the necessity to include a commandment on avoiding lustful temptations. The commandment that onfronts staying faithful is more optimistic than presented in The Wifes Commandments. But thou shalt consider how faithfully and patiently she awaiteth thy return; yea and covereth each epistle that thou sendest with kisses of kindly welcome-until she hath thyself. 6 This entry reveals that the miner did consciously think about the sanctity of their marriage, did it addresses the problem not by listing rules, but by showing morality. The towns and camps that the miners lived in during the Gold Rush were questionable at best. Many men did not have permanent shelters and slept in tents, ome skilled craftsman such as the French were able to construct cozy little cabins to reside in, but t he majority of the housing was not as quant. None of the men had real skills with cooking, growing a garden, or mending clothing. They could hunt, but that was not sustainable. The Miners Ten Commandments acted as a guide for which men could turn to when in need. Six days thou mayst dig or pick; but the other day is Sunday; yet thou washest all thy dirty shirts, darnest all thy stockings, tap thy boots, mend thy clothing, chop the whole weeks firewood, make up and bake they bread, and boil thy pork and beans. 7 Without any knowledge on the domestic skills needed to survive, one can see how a miner thrust into California would be at a loss; the commandments aid in organizing a miners life and providing him with a solid foundation for survival. After seeing The Miners Ten Commandments, it is strange to see how The Wifes Commandments do not discuss how to keep the home going without the man around to provide. It only discusses rules for the man, and does not even reassure the woman of the love that her husband has for her. The commandments by the wife are not truly applicable to life back home or in California. The miners rules include: Though shall not steal a pick, or a shovel, or a pan from thy fellow-miner; nor take away his tools without his leave. 8 This a realistic problem that must be addresses, but a major concern in The Wifes Commandments include, Thou shalt not chew tobacco. 9 It is pretty shocking to see the difference in content and what each gender views as important. The miners tended to show more trust towards their wives by not listing a set of rules that must be obeyed by them. The list created by the wives could be renamed The Miners Commandments as seen by the Wife and it would be more itting. The Miners Ten Commandments and The Wifes Commandments reveal the expectations of the time for miners who ventured west in search of gold. Both set of commandments were primarily concerned with the actions of the miner, and not as much on the actions of the wife back home. One would think that wives being thrust into new circumstances would need Just as much guidance to survive and exceed as their husbands do. But there is an intentional focus on the miners. Perhaps it is the exposure to new opportunities and dangers that must be confronted that demands a et of commandments created by a veteran miner as well as a set created by worrisome wives with the best intentions of the family as the driving force. Whatever the case may be, there is an obvious concern for the well being of the family. All of these commandments act in order to preserve their well-being. Historian H. W. Brands said, California presented to people a new model for the American dream† one where the emphasis was on the ability to take risks, the willingness to gamble on the future. These risks however could be minimized by a careful adherence to the rules presented in both of these sets of commandments.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Roles of Computer in Education Essay Example for Free

Roles of Computer in Education Essay There is no doubt that education and the learning process has changed since the introduction of computers. The search for information has become easier and amusing, and connectivity has expedited the data availability. Though expert systems have made computers more intelligent, they have not yet become a substitute of the human interaction in the learning process. In my opinion; what can be expected, is a change of the teachers’ role but not their disappearance from the classroom. Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier with computers. The mere activity of touching and exploring this device constitutes an enjoyable task for a kid. This, accompanied with the relaxing attitude and software interactivity, usually conduce to a better grasping of new knowledge. At a higher educational level; the availability of digital books, simulator and other academic materials, provide the student with an ever accessible source of information, that otherwise would not be at hand. But, besides the increasing complexity and behavior of intelligent software, which is usually embedded in the academic digital material, the need of human interaction in the learning process will always be present, at least in the foreseeable future. There is the necessity for a human being to be able to determine what the specific needs of each individual are. The expertise of a teacher in how to explain and adapt complex concepts to different individuals can hardly be mimicked by a computer, no matter how sophisticated its software is. As computers are becoming a common tool for teaching, teachers should be more aware of their role as guides in the acquisition of knowledge rather than transmitters of facts. They have to be open minded to the changes that are taking place, keep updated and serve as a problem solvers in the learning process, thus allowing students to discover the facts for themselves. To summarize, in my personal view, teachers play and will play an important role in the classroom, especially at the primary level. No matter how complex computers become, there will be no replacement for the human interaction, but in the way how this interaction takes place.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sole Trader Or Sole Proprietorship In Business Commerce Essay

Sole Trader Or Sole Proprietorship In Business Commerce Essay A sole proprietorship means that a person does business in their own name and that one person owns that business as well (the word Propriety means owner). A sole proprietorship, or just simply proprietorship, is one type of business which in legal terms has no separate existence from its owner. Meaning, that the law does not make a difference between the property that belongs to the owner, and the things that belongs to the business, which are called assets. Hence, the limitations of liability enjoyed by other types of business; which are a corporation and partnership; does not apply to sole proprietorship. Also there is no difference between the money that the owner owes people and the money that the business owes people, which are also called debts. In short, all debts of the business are debts of the owner as well. A sole proprietor business does not pay corporate taxes, but the owner of the business pays personal income taxes on the profit made by the business. A sole proprietor must register a Trade name or Doing Business As. A business with a legal name or a registered name will allow the proprietor to open a business account with banking institutions. A sole proprietorship business has some advantages: The owner of this kind of business has better control of the business itself in general and better business administration is possible since there is only one owner, decision making will be quick because there is no need to consult others; there are also no legal formalities in terms of forming or dissolving a business; a sole propriety has a lot of freedom from government regulations. Every form of business ownership has some sort of government regulation to follow, but in general, this form of business has the least. For example: a sole proprietorship reports its income and deductions using just a simple one or two page tax return form, while a partnership or corporation are required to submit a tax return composing of several pages in length and also a quarterly and an annual payroll tax return; in addition, all the profit of a sole proprietorship business go directly right to the owner. On the other hand, some disadvantages of this type of business are: businesses in sole proprietor type will likely have a hard time in raising capitals since share of the business are personal and cannot be sold; it is also sometimes difficult to apply for a bank finance, as sole proprietorship cannot grant floating charge which in jurisdiction is a sine qua non (originally a Latin legal term for without which it could not be) of bank financing; hiring of employees may also be difficult. This form of business have unlimited liability, therefore, if the business is face with a legal case, the owner or the proprietor is personally liable; business in this form is also uncertain, because as soon as the owner decides to stop the business, or the owner eventually died, the business then suddenly ceases to exist.; another disadvantage of this form of business is that as the business becomes successful, risks that accompanied the business tends to grow. A Partnership Is a type of business that has between 2 and 20 partners that owns the business respectively, in which partners shares all the profit or losses of the business in which all have invested. A legal agreement should be signed, if two or more people are planning to start a partnership business. The agreement must include these points: if the partnership ends, what happens to the assets of the business. For example: the tools and the furniture; how will the profits be shared by the partners. For example: one partner works everyday on the other hand another partner only works three day a week. They would not share the profit equally because the other works more than the other; if one partner wants to leave the partnership. By having a legal agreement that includes these points, the interest of all the partners will be safe. Every time a new partner joins, the entire partner must sign a new agreement. Each of the partners can write their own contracts for the partnership, but they must ensure that it is a valid legal contract. Like in a sole propriety, the laws do not recognized any difference between the partnerships assets and debts, and the partners personal assets and debts. Also the law does not recognize any difference between different partners assets and debts. In most countries, a partnership is considered a nominate contract between individual who, agreed to carry on an enterprise, cooperates and contributes to it, by combining property, knowledge, activities and to share its profit. A partnership is also considered a legal entity; although different legal system had reached different conclusions on this point; because partners involved have a partnership agreement, or a declaration of their partnership. A Partnership type of business is often favored over corporations for taxation purposes. In a partnership business eliminates the dividend tax that is levied upon profits. The most basic form a partnership business is a General Partnership. In this kind of partnership, all the partners personally manage the business and also personally liable to its debts. The other forms which have developed in other countries are the Limited Partnership (LP), in this partnership, certain limited partners relinquish their ability in managing the business in exchanged for limited liability for the partnerships debts; and the other form of partnership is the Limited Liability Partnership (LLC), in this form, all partners have some degree of limited liability in the partnership. There are also Private Limited Companies which are one the most common type of company that limited liability refers to the Shareholders who owns the company as they have purchased company shares. Shareholders are only liable to the amount they owe on the shares they purchased (this referring to guarantee). These companies are often run by families. There are 50 persons allowed in private limited companies. A Close Corporation A Corporation is considered to be an artificial legal entity (technically, a juristic person) which, even though have a number of natural persons or other legal entities, has a separate legal identity from them. Unlike a Company who has directors or shareholders, or a board member or chairperson; a close corporation are owned and managed by people called Members. A close corporation can only have 10 members. The law sees a close corporation separate from its members. This means that unlike in sole propriety and a partnership, all the assets and debts of the business belongs to the close corporation, all the assets and debts of each of its member corporation have nothing to do with the close corporation. As a legal entity, the corporation receives legal rights and duties. These rights are: the ability to sue and be sued (access to court); Rights to common treasury (rights to hold separate assets from its members); the right to hire agents (the right to hire employees); the right to ha ve a common seal (rights to govern its internal affairs); government and courts can also add other rights. Granting of additional rights to corporations is often very much controversial. Stewart Kyd, the author of the first treatise on corporate law in English, defined a corporation as a collection of many individuals united into one body, under a special denomination, having perpetual succession under an artificial form, and vested by the policy of the law with the capacity of acting in several respects as an individual, (A treatise on the law of corporations, 1794, p.13) The Modern Business Corporation; a type of corporation presently dominant; and in addition to a corporations legal rights, has three legal characteristics: Transferable share (membership can change without affecting the corporations legal entity); capacity for perpetual succession (this means that despite the withdrawal of any of its member, the corporation can possibly exist); and limited liability (members have limited responsible in the corporation in terms of debts). Corporations may also be formed fir local government (municipal corporation), charitable purposes (non-profit corporation), or for political, religious, or government programs (government-owned corporation). As a generic legal term, a corporation can be any group that has a legal personality. Why Go Global Companies tend to globalize to conquer new marketing grounds. There is actually no agreed starting point when did globalization began. Globalization in general refers to as the increasing integration of capital, goods, and services to the world market. Globalization, in order to develop, uses three forces; Migration (the human or the work force), international Trade, and capital integration of financial market. There are some factors that can affect globalization. A company going to a global market without proper knowledge of what lies ahead, is suicidal. A countrys culture should be given consideration and thoroughly studied before venturing in global market. One interesting way to evaluate culture is to consider the peoples sense of humor. A person should ask himself these questions; is it self-effacing? Does it insult other culture? Is it innocent? Does it promote racism? This can provide an insight in to what approach to consider when tackling international cross-cultural issues. A company planning to go global should be prepared to whatever obstacles and challenges that accompanied this goal. A countrys geographical information should also be given consideration, because by doing so a more precise plan on marketing plan can be develop. Knowing Chinas geographical information would be very handy when it comes to marketing strategy. It would be easy to formulate plans on logistics. Meaning more products can be market on every part of the country. More part of the country would be available for market. Knowing all these factors doesnt mean it will eventually prevent any more conflicts to occur, but it will absolutely reduce the probability that a conflict can occur. Still the best solution to avoid such problems is to take intermediate actions to solve them. Solving a problem immediately can avoid the possibility for the problem to grow. Once a problem occurred a proper and ready-made solution should be done. Factors in entering foreign market There are certain that may affect a company in venturing into the global market. These factors should be considered in order to operate in global trade smoothly. A companys direct investment is needed in order for a company to operate in the global market. The company should have enough money to invest. In a corporate industry where money is the fuel for progress, a company that have enough resources can male it big in the global trade. Money is resources, without these resources to invest, it would be impossible to pursue the global market; Joint venture (often abbreviated as JV), is formed between two or more parties that agrees to undertake economic activities together. Both parties involved in this agreement, agreed in both contributing equity, they then share the enterprises revenue, expenses, and control of the enterprise; Licensing, in order to avoid legal case, licensing is necessary in all type of business. Especially in venturing into foreign territories, it is important to furnish all legal aspects before conducting business; by these means the company can operate their business without flaw. Exporting is marketing a certain product globally or in other word, it is sending goods for sale or exchange to other country abroad. Importance of business strategy It is important for a company to have a god business strategy. By managing a companys strategy a specific objectives, policies, and plan will be developed that will help the company in achieving its goals. This will provide an overall direction for the company. A good strategy should be appropriate for the companys over all resources, environmental circumstances, and the companys main objective in general. It also should match the companys strategic advances to the business environment that the company faces. A good strategy must also integrate the companys goal, policies, tactics, and values. Future trends should be given consideration too because this will enable the company to adapt in future marketing trends, this way the company can adapt to changed and not be left behind. Types of Marketing Strategies Every marketing strategy is unique, each beneficial in different kinds of business. Each strategy is and can be reduced into generic marketing strategy. Strategies based on market dominance in this scheme, companys are classifies according to their market share or their dominance in the industry; Porter Generic strategies, are strategy that is based on the dimension of strategic scope and strength of the company. Strategic scope refers to market penetration, on the hand strategic strength is the companys sustainable competitive advantage; innovation strategies, deals with the companys new product development and business innovation; Growth stage, in this strategy, the question, How should the company grow? should be answered. The most common answers are; horizontal integration, vertical integration, diversification, and intensity; marketing warfare strategy/warfare-based strategy, that trys to withdraw parallels between business and warfare; it applies military strategy to business s ituations. Unlike in a Warfield, the enemies to consider in the business field are the competitors. Key Steps towards a Strategic Plan Vision The first step toward a strategic plan is to have a realistic vision for the companys business. A good strategy plan should be able to visualized future trends to come. A strategic vision should consider future products, processes, customers, markets, staff, location, etc. Mission This indicates the purposes of the business. The nature of the business is also expressed in terns of mission. For example: designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing a specific product line to meet the needs of a specific customer group through a certain distribution market in a particular area. This indicates what the business is about. We can say that a company is specializing in marketing a certain product, to a certain group of consumer, in a certain location. Values Values govern the operation of the business, its conduct, and its relationship with the society, the customers, its supplier, employees, and the local community. Objectives This is what the company wants to achieve in either for short or foe long term. Objectives should also relate to the requirements and to the expectations of all the members, including the employees. Objective should reflect to the main reason why the business is running. Strategies Are the rules and guidelines by which all the objectives and mission may be achieved. Strategy can also cover the business as a whole which can include diversification, acquisition plans, and organic growth. Or strategy can also be related to the primary matters in business key functional areas. Goals Goals are specific objectives to be achieved on a time-based measurement or in a specific time set. Goals should be realistic and achievable. Programs These are what set out the implementation plans for key strategies. Program should cover resources, time-scales, deadlines, objectives, performance targets, and budget as well. Importance of Marketing Strategy

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Circuit Board Fabricators Case Essay -- Business Case Study

CBF has hired you to help determine why they are not able to produce the 1,000 boards per day. 1. What type of process flow structure is CBF using? The company is using a batch shop process flow structure. CBF, Inc. bases its board fabrication process on the average job size or on its typical order. This means that the company proceeds with the manufacturing process in batches so as to meet the specific requirements per order. The typical contract that the company currently gets is 60 boards per order. However, due to persisting factory defects, they manufacture a total of 75 boards per batch in order to compensate for 20% of the boards that they typically reject during the process. 2. Diagram the process in a manner similar to exhibit 6.7. According to the book, the diagram is an operation and route sheet that specifies operations and process routing for a particular part. It conveys such information as the type of equipment, tooling and operations required to complete the particular part. The "Setup Hr." is derived from dividing the setup (minutes per job, as illustrated in exhibit 6.9) by 60 minutes. Likewise, the hourly capacity of each operation (Rate Pc. Hr.) is solved by dividing 60 minutes by the run (minutes per part, as shown in exhibit 6.9). 3. Analyze the capacity of the process. The first thing to consider is the process of cleaning and coating of the boards. This particular process involves the set-up of the machines, the loading of the boards, and the actual cleaning and coating of the said boards by the machines. From the computations above, it is clearly illustrated that there is a disparity between the loading of the boards into the machines and the output of the cleaning and the coati... 2) Enhance or re-engineer the cleaning and coating machines to improve capacity. Basically, the focus of the recommendations is to reduce the disparities between the capacities of the processes involved. Ideally, their outputs must be equal if not, similar to the preceding and succeeding procedures in order to achieve an efficient manufacturing process. The company is also faced with a 20% reject rate that is absolutely unacceptable. A lot of the produced boards go to waste, and a lot of resources are compromised. Moreover, it contributes to the manufacturing strain, as the production team must start with at least 20% more than the required output just to give allowances to the defects. CBF, Inc. should implement a more rigid supervising/monitoring program with the manufacturing processes in order to pinpoint and arrest the cause of these defects.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Service Learning Helped My Career Decision :: Community Service, Volunteer Work

My community service experience was great! I learned many new things that I can use not only in the workplace but also in life. The people I had the opportunity to work with were very generous with their time and talents. They helped me to gain insight into what I want to do with my life. During high school, I was indecisive on what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to work either as a firefighter or an engineer. I performed my community service at the City Utilities Company. I worked with people who were water engineers and they gave me great advice on becoming an engineer. I was told that there were many different types of engineers. I didn’t even know which type of engineer I wanted to be. Then I told him that I was thinking about being a firefighter as well. That’s when I learned his son was a firefighter and loved being one. When I heard about how his son loved the job, I knew then that’s what I wanted to do. I was their secretary for the week from 8am to 5pm. I had to pick up the phone and take messages when they were out of the office, I had to organize some of their paperwork, and talk to the people who walked in looking for information of for one of the other workers. I had learned the responsibility of being on time and following directions. This experience helped me be more comfortable around people I didn’t know and able to interact with them. That came in handy in my job now, I work at American Eagle and I have to interact with people every day but I’m already comfortable doing so. It helped me in life because I’ve been able to meet new people around the college because I’m comfortable talking to complete strangers. The chance I had to work with these people was amazing. I always had the feeling of me being welcome there. In the time I was there I received many gifts from them but not for volunteering for them but because I was a friend. They let me take home leftover candy and popcorn home to my family, even though my mom and sister never knew because I ate it before I got home.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Complete Case: Amgen Whistleblowing Essay

Read and write up an executive summary on the case, including answers to the following questions. 1. How did Amgen’s unethical behavior contribute to the problems with Medicaid kickbacks? 2. Why does the public consider this scandal to have an unethical dilemma? 3. Explain what is meant by whistleblowing? Include your opinions and identify any gaps between public expectations of ethical standards and universal professional codes of ethical standards. Case : Amgen Whistleblowing Case Amgen, a Thousand Oaks, California–based company, had the unenviable task of dealing with lawsuits filed by 15 states in 2009 alleging a Medicaid kickback scheme.1 To make matters worse, two additional whistleblowing lawsuits were filed against the company in Ventura County. The complaints, which don’t appear related to the fraud alleged by the group of states, were brought by former employees who said they had uncovered wrongdoing at the biotech giant and were terminated after they raised red flags to superiors. One employee alleged the company violated federal law by under-reporting complaints and problems with the company’s drugs after they hit the market. The facts of that lawsuit are described below. Former Amgen employee Shawn O’Brien sued Amgen for wrongful termination on October 9, 2009, alleging he was laid off in October 2007 in retaliation for raising concerns about how the company reported complaints and problems with drugs already on the market. O’Brien worked as a senior project manager for Amgen’s â€Å"Ongoing Change Program,† according to the lawsuit filed in Ventura County Superior Court. His job was to improve Amgen’s â€Å"compliance processes with high inherent risk to public safety, major criminal and civil liability, or both,† according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit alleged that in April 2007, Amgen’s board of directors flagged the company’s process for dealing with post-market complaints about drugs as a potential problem. Federal law requires drug companies to track and report to the Food and Drug Administration any problems with their drugs after they hit the market. In June 2007, O’Brien was put on the case. He soon uncovered facts that Amgen was not adequately and consistently identifying phone calls or mail related to post-marketing adverse events of product complaints. That year, O’Brien warned the company about the seriousness of the issues but, he claims, the company would not take any action or offer any support. In August 2007, O’Brien took his complaint to a senior executive/corporate officer (unnamed) and warned that Amgen’s process for dealing with post-market problems wasn’t adequate. In early September of 2007, O’Brien’s managers instructed him to stop all work and not discuss the issues any further with anyone. Approximately four weeks later he was informed that he was being terminated as part of Amgen’s October 12, 2007, reduction in the work force.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Creative Title: Critical Analogist

In The Yellow Wallpaper, various factors fostered a sense of isolation in the protagonist's psyche, which eventually drove her into insanity. The Narrator experiences isolation in numerous ways that include intellectual isolation, physical isolation, and emotional isolation, and each brings The Narrator closer the deterioration of her sanity. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s character John, and his behavior, explain why the corrosion of The Narrator’s health took place. John’s insistence on remaining at the isolated home, his inability to accept the opinion of The Narrator and his belief in his knowledge as a physician leaves the Narrator feeling shut out from society, triggering her insanity. The Yellow Wallpaper portrayed life in the ____, where men had complete authority over the opposite sex deeming the opinions and emotions felt by females insignificant. This allowed men complete control over the social and personal aspects of life, including matters such as women’s health, friendships, and sex life. †¦but John would not hear of it†(75), is implied throughout the entire story. All her opinions about her own health, what she concluded would assist her to overcome her sickness, all discarded without a second thought. This intellectual isolation rapidly deteriorates the emotional connection to her husband and quickly causes tension between the couple. â€Å"‘Better in body perhaps-’ I began, and stopped short , for he sat up straight and looked at me with such a stern, reproachful look that I could not say another word†(82). John cannot comprehend that The Narrator would understand her body more so than a scholar with a degree in medicine. Nancy Woloclh explained in her document Women and the American Experience, the likelihood of a proficient physician at that time period, â€Å"The professionalization of medicine did not ensure its competence†¦not only were well-trained doctors unlikely to be very effective, but few were well trained,†(Woloclh 1996:77). Although we do not have knowledge if John was such a doctor, we can only suspect from what The Narrator expressed in her ournals; journals filled with comments like, â€Å"John is away all day, and even some nights when his cases are serious† (76) and â€Å"John is kept in town ever often by serious cases†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (79) suggests that John was having an affair and not actually staying out late like a professional of medicine would. The intellectual isolation experienced by the Narrator, as her thoughts and feelings about her healt h are ignored, the emotional intimacy and connection felt between husband and wife is diluted. John, being a male, is able to seek intimacy through other women, while The Narrator cannot seek out any because of her isolation from society. The Narrator’s physical isolation is additional factor that allows insanity to enter her mind. Living miles away from society, she is denied the social interaction needed for females. Her bed â€Å" is nailed down,†(79), her windows are â€Å"barred for little children†(76). Several times she tried to get John to permit her to visit

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Acc1101 Assignment 1

Reflective Journal On Wednesday the 13th of March 2012 in room H102 at 12-1pm Catherine Chinnock from USQ Careers came to talk to the first semester ACC1101 student about career development (ACC1101 2012). I was never one to listen to career expositions or pay attention to any type of career development presentation, because most of the time they would just repeat the same thing over and over again. So when it came to listening to the career development presentation in my first semester (second semester for USQ) I wasn’t too enthused at what Catherine had to offer.Though after listening to the presentation I was actually surprised at what I had learnt and was able to understand why career development learning is beneficial, especially at Uni. I learnt about the skills and attributes involved, and what employers look for as well as how these skills enhance my graduate employability and ways to obtain these skills. Catherine had talked about the 8 skills of employability some of I had already heard of, such as ‘teamwork communication, problem solving, planning and organizing, and self-management’ (Chinnock 2012).However certain ones I hadn’t heard of, such as ‘long-life learning, initiate and enterprise and technology’, which came as a bit of a shock. I guess growing up in a generation where computer skills are almost a natural action I hadn’t put much thought about this skill I had obtained and how it could actually help me throughout my career. The Career development presentation also gave some key attributes to help me as a student prepare for graduating, and those were Aptitude, Attitude and Academic performance (Chinnock 2012).I found that in order to gain these skills; study, employment, volunteer/community work, work experience and extra-curricular activities could help (Chinnock 2012). To which I did some further research and found that USQ offered the Phoenix Award, which is an award given to those who had d one extra-curricular, work experience and community work by accumulating points (The phoenix award 2012). I also gained information on how to get employment and work experience and where to find it, which was online at the CareerHub (Chinnock 2012).USQ also had a career mentoring program which in which I am assigned a mentor for six months to help with any questions, give guidance and provide goal setting for life outside of university in my given field (Chinnock 2012). She had also explained what workshops were intended for in regards to setting up university and life skills (Chinnock 2012). I had also learnt that USQ held events throughout the year such as, speed networking, a careers fair and Industry Experience Program (Chinnock 2012).One main event that had interested me was an Industry Experience Program which is ‘designed to assist student to develop and enhance their skills and knowledge’ (Chinnock 2012) thus allowing me to broaden my understanding of what to ex pect work wise, and give me career opportunities (Chinnock 2012). From what Catherine had taught me I was able to learn the importance of balance between university and personal life. I learnt about what USQ careers has to offer to help me really get a head start in my career as an accountant, the opportunities that can arise and the importance of community both at and after university.I was able to see how different skills, help improve job employability and that it’s not just about the academic results but also the extra mile that I as an individual can do in order to enhance my career. This also helped me identify my own strength and weaknesses in each of the skills to improve, and how I am able to do so to ensure that when I graduate I am able to graduate with all the skills needed to help maximize my employability.Because of this presentation it means that the phoenix award I had enrolled myself in at the start of semester will help me improve my career development skill s as well as still enjoy participating in activities. Because of this presentation it now means I am able to improve my skills and still collect point for my phoenix award, to become a more effective employee and person. Word count: 698 References ACC1101, Study Desk S2 2012, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, viewed 24 August 2012, Chinnock, C 2012, Career Development Presentation, PowerPoint slides, ACC1101, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, viewed August 2012, < http://usqstudydesk. usq. edu. au/m2/pluginfile. php/57316/mod_folder/content/11/Career%20development%20presentation%20Toowoomba. mp4? forcedownload=1> The Phoenix award, 2012, USQ Student Guild, viewed 20 August 2012,

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Environmental Science and Ethics: Global Warming Essay

Global Warming can be defined as the continuous rising of temperature of the globe. This phenomenon is brought about by the greenhouse gases that rise into the atmosphere. The gases are trapped within the atmosphere by the sun’s energy. The build up of these gases had caused the globe to warm-up. National Resource Defence Council had noted that that over the 50 years the average global temperature has increased in a very fast rate and according to scientists, this would continue still in the future. It has been further analyzed that average temperature in the United States would increase 3 to 9 degrees higher at the end of the century. Future predictions from the Environmental Protection Agency of America reveal that the world would experience increasingly hot summers and intense thunderstorms. As stated above, the cause of Global Warming is the greenhouse gases. According to the website, timeforchange. com, the major natural greenhouse gases are water vapour Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Ozone. When sunlight reaches the earth’s atmosphere, it is absorbed and it warms the earth. Most of the heat is enclosed in the atmosphere at a longer time than the sunlight. This in turn creates the warming effect around the globe. The greenhouse gases acts like a reflector of heat radiation to the Earth’s atmosphere. Investigation of experts show that the higher the concentration of greenhouse gases, the higher would be the heat reflected to the Earth’s atmosphere. The National Resource Defense Council (NRDC) shows that Carbon Dioxide is one of the major contributors of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere which causes around 9 to 26%. Coal burning power plants are stated as the largest source of Carbon Dioxide in the United States. Carbon Dioxide produced every year is 2. 5 billion tons every year. Automobiles are the second largest source which produces 1. 5 billion tons every year. Based on statistics from NRDC, the largest source of global warming pollution is the United States. Creating a ratio and proportion examination, Americans are 4 percent of the world’s population. However, the United States contributes 25% of the Carbon Dioxide pollution in the atmosphere. Comparing numbers, 4% of the people in the globe produce a quarter of the pollutants. This only shows that control is necessary in this particular area. Further investigating the phenomenon, there are four major effects of Global Warming. These are climate pattern changes, health effects, warming water and ecosystem disruption. Average warmer temperatures rises as a result, the frequency of heat waves rises. The probability of having drought and wildfire also increases. The warmer temperature results to a higher rate of evaporation during the seasons of summer and fall. As evidence, there has been a recorded drought in the years 1999 to 2002. This has been noted as one of the widespread droughts in the last 40 years. Another is that the Firefighting expenditures have consistently increased by $1 billion per year. Heated climates cause heat waves and the heat waves result in heat related deaths. In the year 2003, an estimate of 35,000 lives were claimed by heat waves in Europe. It can be further noted that the temperature had reached 104 degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature had not changed for two weeks. Aside from the heat waves, the heat had also caused increased in weed growth wherein the pollen triggers allergies and causes asthma. Mosquitoes can further survive because of the increase in temperature. Mosquitoes carryng dengue viruses and Malaria can survive in elevations as high as 7,200 feet in Colombia. The warming of water had caused more powerful and dangerous hurricanes according to the NRDC. As explained by the council, warmer water in the oceans drives more energy into tropical storms. This in turn causes the storms to become more destructive and intense. As evidence, the number of storms within the category of 4 and 5 had increased in the last 35 years. The 2005 Atlantic hurricane season had shown a record of 27 storms where 15 of the storms had become hurricanes. Another is Hurricane Katrina that had happened in the year 2005. The melting of glaciers and ice thaw is also an effect of the warming water. Ski Resorts in the Alps as per Cline (2005) had all increased elevations and some ski resorts should not be opened because of the line of snow reliability had increased. Further elevation of snow is needed in order to operate a ski resort. The Ecosystem shifts and some of the species die. As a result of the warmer temperature, some of the species in the ecosystem die because the species cannot adopt to the warmer climate. As per NRDC, there are more than one million species that would be extinct in the year 2050 because of global warming. The most possible ecosystems that would be affected are thouse in the Alps, the tropical mountains and the mangrove forests. The warmer temperature and rise in the sea level would not be able to support the ecosystems in the near future. There had been several solutions that had been several solutions that had been enumerated by the National Resource Defense Council. These are to save energy using appliances that has the energy star level on it. By being able to save energy, this may have an effect in the energy produced by the coal burning power plants. Another possible solution is the modification of vehicles which are the second largest contributor of the greenhouse gases. The fuel burning models of to-date would be modified by the fuel cell technology cars that would be introduced in the next twenty years. This does not only concern vehicles but also aircrafts. There has been a study from the NRDC that the airline industry seeks information on algae-based fuel and biobutanol, which can be made from sugar, beets, corn, wheat and straw. Last solution that can be noted in the report of the NRDC is the burying of coal underground. The United States is looking at future prospects of converting coal into a clear burning gas and capturing Carbon Dioxide. The Carbon Dioxide would then be buried underground to prevent it from being released to the atmosphere. Looking at the effects of the global warming to the environment, it is only right to have laws and further investigate the matter. However, there are some who use this global phenomenon as a means to gain fame, money, grants and chances for a better life. Driessen (2007) had shown the different angles that can be illustrated because of the global warming phenomenon. The main topic of his article shows that the issue of global warming had caused alarm however it had also helped produced financial and political incentives. It has been shown in the article that the some scientists had used the study of global warming to improve their chances of getting research grants and foundations in companies, foundations and the government. Politicians gain credentials because they had put in interest in global warming. They had put their pork barrels into projects that would promote ethical planetary protection. Driessen (2007) had stressed that corporate responsibility was promoted by some politicians. There are several actions that were supposed to be negated but instead are praised by the people because the consequences of actions that had been taken by the politicians are not shown at present. The effects of their actions can only be seen in the long run. The politicians had cemented their relationships with the environmentalists because of the environmental protection projects that they had attributed in lieu of global warming. Another group that had benefited from the global warming phenomenon are the environmentalists. Driessen (2007) had taken note of the manipulation of the environmental activists that had led them to use the global warming situation to raise funds. It had become a strategy for these groups to have control over a global resource through the use of laws, treaties, regulation and pressure campaigns. Environmental Defense of the government had blamed the warming of the environment to the situation brought about by the increasing cases of disease such as malaria. Looking at this angle closely, the environmental defense could have made preventive measures like fumigation in order to kill the mosquitoes that cause these diseases instead of blaming the climate. There are also some companies that may use the situation to further advertise their product which shows a self-interest in the business. According to an issue in New York Times by Revkin last 2005, the Bush Administration had made several notations on the notes about the climate changes. It was shown in the article that several officials in the government had manipulated the data about the climate because of the fact that America has been showing a very large contribution in the global warming phenomenon. In order to save face, the government had tried to change the readings in the climate. Thus, there were several incidents that showed that these were covered up by the government officials in the white house. Ethically speaking, as inhabitants of the Earth, the people must concentrate on solving the problem of global warming and not on focusing on things that are just for show. Some may show that they are doing a particular thing to save the planet but if the deed is analyzed more closely, it was being done in order to benefit on what they can get out of the people who would believe on their actions. Global Warming is a very serious topic and it needs every person’s cooperation in order to put things in order. Being able to create projects and research that help investigate global warming is not enough. What is important in the issue of Global Warming is the actions that each and every one would do to prevent further damage of the phenomenon to the environment. REFERENCES Revkin, A. (2005). Bush Aide Softened Greenhouse Gas Links to Global Warming. New York Times. 8 June 2005. Retrieved last January 15, 2008 from http://www. nytimes. com/2005/06/08/politics/08climate. html? pagewanted=1&_r=1 Driessen, P. (2007) Global Warming, Ethics, Pork and Profits. Canada Free Press. 27 September 2007. Retrieved last January 15, 2008 from http://www. canadafreepress. com/2007/driessen020707. htm Time for Change (2007). Cause and Effect of Global Warming. Retrieved last January 16, 2007 from http://timeforchange. org/cause-and-effect-for-global-warming National Resource Defense Council. (2007). Global Warming Basics. NRDC: The Earth’s Best Defense. 9 February 2007. Retrieved last January 17, 2008 from http://www. nrdc. org/globalWarming/f101. asp National Resource Defense Council. (2007). Solving Global Warming it can be done. NRDC: The Earth’s Best Defense. 9 February 2007. Retrieved last January 17, 2008 from http://www. nrdc. org/globalWarming/solutions/default. asp National Resource Defense Council. (2007). Consequences of Global Warming. NRDC: The Earth’s Best Defense. 9 February 2007. Retrieved last January 17, 2008 from http://www. nrdc. org/globalWarming/fcons. asp Environmental Protection Agency. (2002). Global Warming: Cause and Effects. Retrieved last January 15, 2008 from http://chronicle. augusta. com/images/headlines/080402/Global_Warming. jpg

Business Process Management

Week eight article tends to present the business modeling aspects in a more realistic approach, where there is a complete assertion that a business process modeling is the representative means for business activities, information flow and decision logics in business. Hence, it is asserted that the power of visualization as pertained to the diagrams provided is sufficient as it tends to act as a communication channel for the process and interactions included in between the organization (Harmon, 2014). Therefore, the overall aim of the article is to effectively outline the notion and consent that suits a business process. To effectively discuss this article tends provide process scope diagrams that define the relationship between process and the external surroundings, there is also the process flow diagrams that describe the internal relations. To provide evidence consider the case of the As-is, Could be and To-be process diagrams. The frameworks of these diagrams are built to indicate the weakness or improve consistency in an organization. Therefore, the diagrams tend to present multiple granularity levels that tend to range from the simple depictions of workflow to the simulation and execution of the set process. As a result, it tends to achieve a common understanding regarding business knowledge. Hence, the overall aim of the article is to it drive the designs and implementation of the systems through modeling in business process.   The arguments developed by the article are essential as it defines and shows the benefits the business modeling process has in an organization. Since a business process is the collection of activities ranging from order, review, manufacturing and deliver process as pertained in the article. All this designs play the role of modeling so that there can be production of a certain output for a particular aim. The process modeling process as indicated by the article defines the inputs and outputs for a certain action, thus it implies strong emphasis on how work should be done in any organization. The article has a positive impact as it objectively satisfies our lesson on business process modeling. This tends to be visible based on the diagrams created in article that effectively analyze the business process modeling concerning the many aspects of management that tend to provide a detailed technical nature and process that tends to closely emphasis on the links between quality management and analytical approaches. Hence, it is relevant to state that the frameworks developed on the basis of the diagram satisfy the business process modeling outline, and gives us adequate knowledge of the process. Harmon, P 2014, Business process change: a business process management guide for managers and process professionals, 3rd edn, Morgan Kaufmann-Elsevier, Waltham, MA. Week six journal outlines that setting up business process management as it ensures low cost and maintains high levels of revenue. Therefore, the article is analyzed such that it outlines the process approach to management, identify the key reasons to process standardization, describe the maturity frameworks and model, and identification of the BPM process and identify approach to improve process performance. The article outlines that through conceptualizing of organization system inputs are taken and generate values that is product or services to customers. Hence, for conceptualization there is the need of having a management system whose purpose is to organize and support the effectiveness of the business process. Management occurs in two different instances depending on the role one has in an organization; that is operational and project management (Harmon, 2014). The article also provides us with several management frameworks ranging from PMI, SEI, SCC and ITGI. If we could look at one scenario that is PMI as outlined by the article it tends to distinguish operation management and project management in an organization. In general the article provides a framework that signifies that management should be organized for the purpose of effective business process. Critics from the journal are effective in the sense that the author outlines that business process management as a discipline that combines knowledge pertained to information technology and knowledge from management science and applies the two in the operational business process. Therefore, it creates value for an enterprise by growth, better productivity, staff effectiveness, improved performance and better service delivery. It could also make a business agile in different manners such as streaming of supply operation to reach the global market, accelerating innovation and assistance in the increase of productivity. Therefore, on the basis of the journals discussion business processes tend to be pervasive. As a result, we understand that such processes act as a representation of activities that organizations undertake. Since processes act of different levels of scales, they require certain margins of tailoring. Therefore, we attain the knowledge that when trying to improve the activities one goes and seeks leverage from the advanced methodologies and technologies pertained from this journal for the purpose of consistency and efficiency. Therefore, through BPM it becomes easy to define and manage your business process so as to attain your goals. Harmon, P 2014, Business process change: a business process management guide for managers and process professionals, 3rd edn, Morgan Kaufmann-Elsevier, Waltham, MA. (Chapter   6 and 7)   Week four journal presents the architectural business process as an organizational process containing and the relationships among them. Hence, the problem of interest being perceived is that of understanding how to design structures, were a particular approach in mind can start on the basis of general normative structure that gives a pattern which derives a design (Harmon, 2014). Further argument on value chain shows that it is a process that organizations use for the generation of product or services to a certain group of customers. Hence, each step of chain add is essential for the final value of the product or services. There is also framework development of framed on several proposals that enterprises must use in guiding their architectural designs; such as the Zachman framework. For instance, the Zachman framework tends to be a vital analytical tool which helps one in thinking about the analysis of the enterprise or portion thereof (Harmon, 2014). Relating this to most architect ural process we tend to depart from such architectural designs with the intent of making use of our specific business knowledge which gives us the chance of proposing a precise and detailed pattern for the purpose of support design. On the basis of the journal, we could criticize that the methodology presented here is sufficient as it provides adequate knowledge on how we can integrate designs from architecture to business logic. Hence, it offers diverse requirements and knowledge that is detailed in process models to where application support is explicit, and the mapping requirements of models for business. But, in accordance to the argument of the article ultimate integration has adequate detailed design models that try to avoid instances where limitations may arise. In regards to this article, it has been of benefit as it complements the objectives of the lesson learnt in regards to this topic. For instance, through the use of the same type of models at different abstraction levels in the representation of business architecture, one thing that becomes certain is that the process has offered us component processes that tend to show us how to design details appear in a more fashioned way, and also avoiding of complex representations. Once, we follow the procedures and framework developed by the article it becomes easy to assert that we will have a formalized that there is a logic in our business designs. Harmon, P 2014, Business process change: a business process management guide for managers and process professionals, 3rd edn, Morgan Kaufmann-Elsevier, Waltham, MA. (Chapter   4) Barros,O 2007 "Business processes architecture and design" BPTrends, Business%20Processes%20and%20Design-Barros.pdf  

Friday, September 13, 2019

Is Neoliberalism in crisis today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Is Neoliberalism in crisis today - Essay Example In other words, a change towards a neo-liberalized world is taking place. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher had adopted such an approach much earlier as a means to economic growth and welfare of the citizens. But recent events like the global recession have brought about doubts regarding the long term effects of neo-liberalism. This paper looks at the impact of neo-liberalization with regard to organizational change at the macro and micro levels in the world today. It will review whether this concept is relevant and whether its future as a saviour of mankind is in peril. The paper will first review the concept of organizational change at micro and micro levels. It will then discuss the concept of neo-liberalism and then review its impact on organizational change. Change in organizations has been studied seriously by many authorities from diverse fields such as management, psychology, anthropology and sociology. Prominent among them are Kurt Lewin and John Kotter. This is what authors from the field of management have to say about the two authorities mentioned above. Richard Swanson, a noted authority on human resources development says that â€Å"The classic metatheory of change is Kurt Lewin’s (1951) field theory. This theory remains at the core of most change theories† (Swanson & Holton 2001, p. 137). About Kotter, authors George Manning and Kent Curtis has this to say - â€Å"There are many models for understanding organizational change. One of the best is an eight-stage process provided by John Kotter of Harvard University† (Manning & Curtis 2002, p. 281). These two theories apart from those propounded by others form a framework for implementing organizational change. But what is important in this context is the impact of neo-liberalism on organizational change. As mentioned earlier, the business world is changing

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Discussion Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Topic - Essay Example Another fallacy is hasty generalization. It refers to when a conclusion is reached with insufficient information and what follows is an immediate generalization (Davis, 2007). A person might visit a restaurant once and fail to like food that is being served. That does not necessarily mean the restaurant is inferior. Its mistake is that it leads to stereotyping. One takes an example and keeps using it to draw some pattern of undesirable results that might follow (Davis, 2007). An example is when one argues that a certain Television station should not ban some programme. If they ban one programme, they might as well ban all the others. Its mistake is that some roots for equal treatment of all elements whether favourable or lousy. Media is one of the biggest platforms that normally use fallacy in their routine. Two of the most commonly misused fallacy includes the appeal to pity and popularity. Appeal to popularity follows that a conclusion should be accepted because the majority of people think it is true (Davis, 2007). Appeal to pity requires a conclusion to be accepted because of the situation of the person making the conclusion (Davis, 2007). It is unlikely for someone who has studied logic to be fooled by these kinds of fallacies. The people presenting these arguments assume that viewers luck adequate, logical skills, to see through their fallacy. This is a terribly dangerous assumption because it can easily backfire on

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Do We Need Better Gun Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Do We Need Better Gun Control - Essay Example Because violence can be attributed to many unsavory and unavoidable causes, therefore common people prefer to put the blame on guns and drugs, objects that seemingly take people away from their miseries. Therefore, guns are a â€Å"consequence of the violent strain in culture, as well as a contributory cause† (Jacobs, 2002, p.214). Need of better gun control: the pros On moral grounds violence can never be advocated under any situations. Even in cases of racial unrest or mugging, the morally acceptable way of protests is non-violent resistance. Although defense for self is necessary it is however not wise to use guns. When a criminal is armed with a gun while attacking a person, it is dangerous for that person to pull out a gun as this may result in â€Å"greatly increasing the chance that one or more parties will be injured or killed†. Since it is the responsibility of the police to protect the private citizens, therefore it is their right to be armed so that they are able to fight with armed criminals (Sather, 1999, pp.264-265). There is also the issue of concerned risks among the older population who has ownership of guns. In countries like America and Canada ownership of guns is increasingly becoming popular among the older adults, many of whom acquired their licence to use guns at their young age. Since this section of population is aging, cases of dementia is not uncommon which rises the risk of holding and using guns or any kind of firearms. Unlike other activities like driving a car, there are fewer regulations to guide the proper use of guns among the older people. The matter is of grave concern particular for those older adults who have declining faculties but are yet not declared incompetent by a court of law. Although there are certain classes of people who are considered ineligible to hold ownership of guns, there is no restrictions on upper age limit (Greene et al., 2007, pp.406-407). Of late, many people who are crazy and homicidal possess guns and the result is that there are numerous killings of innocent people. In such cases, it is inevitable that there should be stringent gun control measures. (Stein, 2012) After conducting a survey in America, the data was analysed to determine the level of risks associated with keeping guns at home. People who keep guns at home are likely to die from homicide or commit suicide than those people who do not have possession of guns. This is because â€Å"guns are highly lethal, require little preparation, and may be chosen over less lethal methods to commit suicide, particularly when the suicide is impulsive† (Dahlberg et al., 2004, p.935). There have been many occurrences of tragic massacres in countries like England, America and Scotland which are indirect results of legal ownership of handguns. In 1998 there was one shooting incident in a school in Jonesboro, where one of the young boys involved was trained to use handguns by his family from a very early age. If o wnership of handguns is outlawed then such incidents will almost certainly decline even if they are not altogether eliminated. With lesser circulation of guns, the young boys will have fewer opportunities to use guns (Sather, 1999, p.265). Need of better gun control: the cons In this modern world the number of criminals is on the rise and this makes the regular law-abiding citizens more vulnerable. Gun-related crimes are increasing at an alarming rate especially in the United States and